Healthmark launched in the Corona drive thru


April 7th 2020 Corona drive thru set up in Leiden with the support of Healthmark software

On April 7th, 2020 the Corona drive-thru was opened in the Alrijne Hospital parking lot in Leiden. In order to allow for rapid, efficient and safe COVID-19 testing a drive-thru was set up. All patients enrolling for testing are registered with the Healthmark application tool. The tools allows the patient themselves to enrol, enter personal data, fill in the questionnaire with symptoms, answer relevant questions (based on health authority guidelines), give an informed consent and select a convenient time slot for test sampling  in the online calendar. 

Healthmark is a one stop solution that guides the patient through the screening and testing process, from
start to end. Healthmark adds convenience, flexibility and efficiency to the screening process by automating
as much as possible, while keeping the patient in mind.  

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